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Noelia Canela


Telf. +34 657 303 706

President and founding partner of the Noelia Foundation and mother of Adrià, affected by Muscular Dystrophy due to collagen deficiency VI.

Diploma in nursing at the Rovira and Virgili University of Tarragona, with a postgraduate degree in Emergency and Emergencies at the same university. It is part of the working group, for the preparation of the Strategic Health Plan Campo de Tarragona (2016-2020).

He currently combines his family life, with full dedication to the entity and working life. He works in the unit of Neurology, RHB, traumatology and maxillofacial, of the Hospital Juan XXIII of Tarragona.

His favorite moment of the day is when he takes his son to sleep and they have the little “reunion” mother and son, as defined by Adrià, a very sweet moment, which Adrià does not forgive and his mother loves it.

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