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Dr. Eduard Goñalons

Scientific Advisor

He started his collaboration the Noelia Foundation in 2016, after his daughter, Emma, ​​was diagnosed with collagen VI-related muscular dystrophy.

He got his Pharmacy degree at the University of Barcelona after which he started a research project in molecular immunology at the Faculty of Biology. In addition to Barcelona, ​​he carried out his project at the prestigious research center of La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation in California (USA) and at the Institut für Immunologie Hoffmann La Roche in Basel (Switzerland), until he got his PhD degree.

After that, he enrolled in a Master in Business Administration at ESADE Business School (Barcelona) and joined the pharma sector where he has developed his professional activity ever since.  In healthcare, he has held positions in the areas Business Development and business management both domestic and internationally, conducting projects with ​​orphan drugs, critical care and genetic diagnosis, among others. Additionally, he has been a professor of the Master in Business Administration for the Pharmaceutical Industry of the University of Barcelona over a period of four years.

Eduard is happily married and has an older son, Alex, who, along with Emma, ​​are the gifts in his life and they take pride in eating up most of his free time. Still, he likes to read, write, cook, do-it-yourself projects and music.


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