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RNA editing by recruiting endogenous ADAR using long RNAs to correct glycine substitutions in COL6-RD

RNA editing by recruiting endogenous ADAR using long RNAs to correct glycine substitutions in COL6-RD


Collagen VI-related dystrophies (COL6-RD) are commonly caused by dominant-negative pathogenic variants in the COL6A1,COL6A2 and COL6A3 genes, such as glycine substitutions of the conserved Gly-X-Y motives. For these mutations, allele-specific silencing approaches have been tested and have shown great promise but the final result, if perfectly working, is the expression of half the normal collagen VI protein level.

Gly substitutions are commonly caused by G>A changes and can be converted to inosine (which mimics guanosine during translation) by an RNA editing therapeutic strategy. Here we propose an approach aimed at correcting the mutant copy using long RNA oligonucleotides able to recruit endogenous adenosine deaminases to the target site, to convert the mutant allele (A) to wild type (G) and potentially fully restore the normal collagen VI levels.

Period of Support From:
September 2020 To: August 2022

150,000$ (in 2 years, 75,000 each year 20-21)

Contributions made by Noelia Foundation:
February, 2021: $75.000Proof of transfer
September 2021: 75.000$ Proof of transfer

Place of development:
NINDS National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke, Bethesda, Maryland USA

Researchers involved (NIH/NINDS):

  • Principal Investigator , Bönnemann, Carsten G., MD
  • Brull Cañagueral, Astrid, Postdoctoral Fellow (100%)
  • Bolduc, Veronique, Research Fellow (10%)


Collaboration agreement Noelia Foundation – NIH
Agreement letter Noelia Foundation – NIH

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