New advance in the research of Congenital Muscular Dystrophy due to Collagen Deficiency VI (CMD COL6)
The Fundación Noelia has funded an innovative study led by researcher Virginia Arechavala-Gomeza, which takes…
February 29, International Day of Rare Diseases
On World Rare Disease Day, we raise our voices to shed light on collagen VI…
Fundación Noelia has received support from the “la Caixa” Foundation, through CaixaBank
Noelia Children's Foundation against congenital muscular dystrophy due to Collagen VI deficiency has received support…
New contribution to Dr. Bönnemann’s team
Thanks to you, Fundación Noelia, achieves one of its goals for 2023 and donates $120,000…
New contribution to research
This month of July 2023, from Fundacion Noelia we have delivered the €38,095 that allow…
Visit to Biocruces
Last April we visited the Biocruces Health Research Institute in Bizkaia, where Fundación Noelia financed…
We continue betting on research!
Based on the good results obtained in the previous phase, Fundación Noelia has signed a…
FN 2023 objective: €237,000 for research
We need your help! It all adds up! These funds will make it possible to…
$12,500 to continue supporting research
Fundación Noelia makes the second contribution of $12,500 to the project led by Dr.Bönneman's team…
€173,853 invested in research in 2022
Closing the year it is time to do the numbers and see what this 2022…
Noelia Foundation is part of EURORDIS
Since last November 2022, Fundación Noelia has been part of EURORDIS, which allows us to…
First contribution of €37,216.53 to the BIO Cruces Bizkaia research project
Fundacion Noelia and the Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute have signed a collaboration agreement to…