Bank Transfer
You can collaborate by making your donations via bank transfer to the account “Fundación Noelia, Niños Contra la Distrofia Muscular por Déficit de Colágeno VI” has at the Caixa Bank.
IBAN: ES34 2100 0367 2602 0023 6453
BIC/CODI SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX (Essential to make donations from outside Spain).
Remember to put your name and ID in the subject field of the transfer in order to comply with the law “Prevención de Blanqueo de Capitales.”
If you wish, you can also download this file, print it, fill it in and send it.
Thank you!

Credit Card
You can make a donation with your regular debit or credit card using the Redsys-Caixabank secure payment gateway.

You can collaborate by making a direct donation from your mobile thanks to Bizum.
Access your bank’s app, select “Donation” and enter the Noelia Foundation code: 33553

You can also make your donation through PayPal. Click the following link.
PayPal, the fast and secure way to pay on the Internet.

Direct debit receipt
We will turn you a receipt with the indicated amount and frequency chosen.
Tax deductions for donations to NGOs
Noelia Foundation is subject to Law 49/2002