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Visit to Biocruces

Last April we visited the Biocruces Health Research Institute in Bizkaia, where Fundación Noelia financed the research project “Evaluation and development of personalized therapies for collagen vi-related myopathies“, led by Dr. Virginia Arechavala.

Within the framework of the collaboration agreement, Fundación Noelia financed the incorporation of Dr. María Sendino to the working group, whom we had the opportunity to meet and welcome.

During the visit we were able to see the laboratory facilities at the hands of Dr. Virginia Arechavala and her team working on neuromuscular diseases, as well as learn first-hand about the details of the joint research project.

We also take advantage of the visit to convey to you the work carried out by the Noelia Foundation, bringing you closer to the day-to-day life of those affected and highlighting the life stories behind each genetic sample.

We want to thank Biocruces for having opened the doors of its facilities to us. It was an enriching experience that allowed us to strengthen ties and strengthen our collaboration in the search for scientific advances to improve the quality of life of patients with muscular dystrophies due to collagen VI deficiency.

Link to the Biocruces publication: -of-%C3%81nucleic-acids-for-rare-diseases-nat-rd-of-biocruces-bizkaia-for-investigation%C3%B3n-of-cong%C3%A9nita-muscular-dystrophy- por-d%C3%A9ficit-de-col%C3%A1geno-vi

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