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Gospel Living Water in concert: a huge success

The charity concert of the gospel group Living Water took place on Jan. 11th and 12th, in Reus and Amposta, respectively, with an tremendous success, gathering over …. people and hanging the “sold out” sign in La Lira Ampostina Theatre.

Watch the video for a taste of the event

Before the concert, a media presentation and press conference was held in both Reus and Amposta with a great coverage, as seen in the headlines:


“The Fortuny sings gospel for the Muscular Dystrophy”

Canal Reus Televisió Channel



Canal Reus Televisió Channel


tv_reus “The Fortuny Theater will host a charity gospel concert organized by the Noelia Foundation”

Diari Més newspaper



tv_reus.png “The Fortuny Theater will host a charity gospel concert organized by the Noelia Foundation”

Reus City Hall



tv_reus.png “The Fortuny Teatre will host a charity gospel concert for the benefit of children with congenital muscular dystrophy”

Tarragona Digital newspaper



tv_reus.png “Madrid choir offers a charity concert in Reus for rare diseases”

La Vanguardia newspaper




And after the event, some media highlighted the role of the Noelia Foundation in funding research.


tv_reus.png “Noelia Foundation’s charity gospel fills the Fortuny with life”

Canal Reus TV Channel




Canal Reus TV Channel



“The Noelia Foundation charity concert in Reus in images!”

Tarragona Digital newspaper


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