On World Rare Disease Day, we raise our voices to shed light on collagen VI…
Fundación Noelia funds new research project at the NINDS
Fundación Noelia and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) in the US have just signed a collaboration agreement by which Fundación Noelia will fund a new research project led by Dr. Carsten Bönnemann, with a total contribution of $150,000. The project, “RNA editing by recruiting endogenous ADAR, using long RNAs to correct Glycine Substitutions in COL6-RD” opens a new door to the cure of Collagen VI Congenital Muscular Dystrophy.
This February, we made the first contribution of $75,000, and expect to make the second contribution next September.
With your contributions you make research possible and bring us closer to a possible cure.
A million thanks from the bottom of our heart.