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First contribution of €37,216.53 to the BIO Cruces Bizkaia research project

Fundacion Noelia and the Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute have signed a collaboration agreement to finance a research project “EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALIZED THERAPIES FOR MUSCULAR DYSTROPHIES DUE TO COLLAGEN DEFICIENCY VI”

This project has two objectives:

  • Develop and validate a plate evaluation method for the expression of collagen VI in cell cultures (collablot).
  • Design and evaluate different nucleic acid therapies to modulate the expression of collagen VI.

It is a 2-year support (2023 and 2024) with a total investment of €74,433.05. The research will be carried out at the Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute and will be directed by Dr. Virginia Arechavala Gomez.

Discover the complete project at this link: 

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