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€732 thanks to the AsuaBerri Sarriko solidarity piggy bank

  • News

After opening the second solidarity piggy bank at the Obrador AsuaBerri in Sarriko (Bilbao), we added €732.49, which will be fully allocated to the investigation of the DMC due to a deficiency of Collagen VI.

This initiative was launched last March 2022 as a proposal by Sofia, the manager of the workshop, with the aim of contributing with her help and that of her clients to the Noelia Foundation.

In these 10 months, 2 piggy banks have been filled. The first from March to September with a total of €378.72, and the second from September to January 2023 with €353.77, making a total of €732.49.

We want to thank Sofia for her initiative, all the AsuaBerri Sarriko staff for their collaboration and all those who have left their coins and bills. ESKERRIK ASKO! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

From today you can find the third piggy bank on your counter, empty, waiting for your help.

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