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€3,835.50 raised in the III Camarles Solidarity Race

Last Sunday, March 26, the III Fundación Noelia Solidarity Race was held in Camarles.

It was a day full of emotions, where, on this occasion, more than 250 people left their mark for collagen VI, but Marc, Alejandro and Pau were also in our hearts.

A thousand thanks to all the collaborators, volunteers, runners and to all those who accompanied us. THANK YOU for staying by our side. THANK YOU for believing in the need to contribute to the research and cure of rare diseases.

€3,835.50 was raised, which will be used entirely for research into Muscular Dystrophy due to collagen VI deficiency.

Collaborating companies and entities: Batucada Lligallo, Feeldance, Maber, Farmacia Fores, Trencacims, La Trilogia, Pastisseria Bahia, Pastisseria Caballe’s, L’avi Lluís, Distribucions Orti Fandos, Fontallum, Carnisseria Lo Paulo, Mas Vicenç (Vinyes), Salting Tarraco, Xic Xac Perruqueria, Rosana Hairs Studio, Gotes Del Perelló, Bar Ambigu, Cooperativa El Perelló, Creu Roja, Bon Preu, Esport Terres De L’ebre, Spar, Voluntaris La Caixa, Colomines, Coca-Cola, Agricola Hortebre, Germans Marin, Horta De Carme, Assessotria Fiscal Cristian Bertomeu, Running Series, Ajuntament De Camarles, Bar Musical Soterrani




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