The Fundación Noelia has funded an innovative study led by researcher Virginia Arechavala-Gomeza, which takes…

€173,853 invested in research in 2022
Closing the year it is time to do the numbers and see what this 2022 has given.
From Fundación Noelia we have invested €173,853.49 during 2022 in the research of Congenital Muscular Dystrophy caused by dèficit in Collagen VI, specifically they have been allocated to different phases of 6 research projects.
In the 7 years that have elapsed since the beginning of the Noelia Foundation, a total of €643,206.28 has been invested in 11 research projects. It must not be forgotten that this research support is 100% backed by the family initiative and is possible thanks to the families, collaborators and friends themselves.