The Fundación Noelia has funded an innovative study led by researcher Virginia Arechavala-Gomeza, which takes…

Donor 2023 of the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital
One more year, from the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona, they present us with the seal of entity “Donor 2023 HSJD “.
This seal is awarded annually to the foundations and patient associations that most collaborate with the hospital in gratitude for their help, as a symbol of recognition and support for the brave little ones.
From the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona they convey their gratitude for our help, and that allows us to continue advancing a little more each day in the treatment and care of our brave little ones.
We want to share this recognition with all of you, since Fundación Noelia’s support for Research is thanks to the help of all of you, who contribute your grain of sand, organize events to raise funds, involve your neighbors and friends. Thank you!